Election Final - Round-up
now and then – on the televised news programmes - I keep hearing
the “E” word bandied about , usually nestled between the ever
growing human tragedy stories, the fiscal crisis of the day and even
the funny – semi-animal – based, roundup skit. Basically, just
about anything, that is even the least, vaguely bit
more...interesting. I don't believe that I am alone with this
feeling, just look at the ever decreasing turnouts for the last couple
of general elections. Perhaps it's down to the fact that we – as a
nation – consign ourselves with the acceptance that whoever wins,
things will generally, remain pretty much the same. Or, maybe we're
simply tired of the constant fear mongering, political assassinations,
and the negative policy posturing of all the concerned parties. It
doesn't help that this year, the candidates all seem a little, how
shall I say this..”Flaky,” it's not so much a case of the Good,
the Bad and the Ugly, but more the Posh, the Weak and the Geeky –
then there's the also ran, the Green side, the Celtic side and the Dark side. But, I have an idea how to combat this political
malaise...how about this, “ The Political League Tables !” We
take politics and mix liberally with the greatest male passion of all
FOOTBALL – after all there are a lot of similarities between these
two activities. I can just see it all now – in my mind's eye, anyway.
Pundit 1: “ Here we are, at last ! This years election final , it's
a game of two halves, and the last - remaining, standing - two main
Pundit 2: “ Yes, It's been a long few months, and we've seen our
fair share of tears, tantrums and political broadcasts.”
Pundit 1: “ Well, they've kicked off now.... and that's just the
back-benches. The Prime Minister has started to push his Bill through
the Commons, and just listen to how he's managing to do some pretty
fast, side stepping, from the Oppositions, more tricky questions”
Pundit 2: “ We're definitely seeing a class action here, just look
at how he deflects attention from the Bill's human rights
Pundit 2: “ What a tackle from the Opposition Party ! Bringing up
the Government's, embarrassing history on this issue.”
Political Pundit 1: " Yes, they have always been weak on that front. But at least they've tightened their left wing, this election. It was a real threat to their running last year !
Political Pundit 2: " True, they came very close to relegation back then, and they really need another term in order to consolidate their position.
Political Pundit 1: " Yes, they have always been weak on that front. But at least they've tightened their left wing, this election. It was a real threat to their running last year !
Political Pundit 2: " True, they came very close to relegation back then, and they really need another term in order to consolidate their position.
Pundit 1: “ I know, but I can see the P.M has come along way, and his Party Whip is
right behind him. He may have enough support from his Party, to
actually reach his goal, Just so long as....”
Pundit 2: “ Oh No ! What a foul ! I do not believe it ! What a time
for one of the Government's own team to be accused of Cash for Access
! It couldn't have come at a worse time ! ”
Pundit 1: “ Absolutely, and there's been a strong follow through by
the opposition, with accusations of a possible sex-scandal, by someone in the cabinet
itself !”
Pundit 2: “ Things are certainly hotting up now. The pressure from
the Tabloids, are starting to have an affect on the Government's poll
ratings and now I read, that they have just lost one of their
Ministers, to the "other side.”
Pundit 1: “ But, wait ! They think it's all over ! But, the
Opposition has just announced that they will NOT be cutting taxes if
they win this election !”
Pundit 2 : “ The Government's making a last minute push, as they
shoot the Bill over to the Lords for passing.”
Pundit 1: “ Nothing can stop them now ! This Bill could be their
final Act of the season – all they have to do now is hold their course and...”
Pundit 2: “ No ! Wait, the Speaker has intervened and he's holding
up a White Paper...”
I think
this might just catch on, and I'm sure all the M.P's would vote for
the same fees as the footballers, unopposed as usual.
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