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My Life...at the Olde Burley village

As a special birthday - age not included - surprise to me fair lady, I whisked her away for a weekend in the country. I chose the village o...

Wednesday, 7 June 2017


                                                          ELECTION DAY JITTERS !

 I'm not a political animal, just a humble and very simple working class guy, but it seems to me that this election is the most lack luster, saddest one I can recall.
       None of the leaders seem to  possess any degree of charisma and with no discernible backbone or courage - I know what's new there - perhaps I've just become weary of the whole predictable show over the years. Old promises, old cliches, the kissing of babies/minors ( provided a parent or legal guardian is present ) or failing that any opportunity that permits the wearing of a hard hat and the complete inability ( paralysis of facts ) to give a straight answer to any question posed to them directly, plausible deniability I believe it's called. Some parties even seem to find it hard to provide concise facts and details concerning their own manifesto's and lastly the eternal spin machine that dictates that polls are NEVER accurate  ... unless of course their swaying in YOUR PARTY'S favour ! 
   As I said, maybe I've become too cynical about it all, how can one party promise the earth without expecting to plunge our economy into the red or another party asking us to vote for them simply to stop another party's path - surely the weakest argument ever to gain a seat in power. 
     There's certainly no denying that we're living in a changing political world, one where one countries president can rise to power from out of nowhere or assigned to one of the main political party's. A new world order that rejects actors as world leader for a more extreme outspoken entrepreneur. It's a fearful time for us all, a fragmented Europe, fragile global economies, climate change, splintered countries and radical ideologies, I don't believe any of the candidates have offered us any clear message on how they hope to address these issues.      

 ... oh well, thank god it will soon be over, unless some idiot calls for another referendum to confirm the merits of the original referendum because it didn't suit their own political agenda.


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