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My Life...at the Olde Burley village

As a special birthday - age not included - surprise to me fair lady, I whisked her away for a weekend in the country. I chose the village o...

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My Life...Halloween 2 - The Repeat

Halloween is a tap tap tapping at my door, so you just might not hear me snore !   

Below, is a TRUE story, of several accounts of accidental arson, darkness and despair. Just another
All Hallows Eve at Burford Heights !! 

Don't try this at home, and try not to have nightmares...whooooahhhh, haaha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha! whooooah ! ...
...gasp, wheeze !

A Cautionary Halloweeen Tale

Haloween is here again
We're waiting for to greet
The children with their fancy masks
To claim their trick or treat

We're waiting in our entrance hall
With all assorted sweets
No sound of children anywhere
And no-one in the streets

So Debs & I just have to think
Of things that we could do
Lots of things that have been done before
But, we want something new

They're doing things in China
Not rockets on a ramp
They're making things to fly quite high
It's called a flying lamp

It's made of tissue paper
And put all around a frame
A square of cardboard put inside
To this you put a flame

Once it's lit you let it go
At this the thing should fly
We've seen it done so many times
They seem to go quite high

So in the garden we both went
Excitement was INTENSE
The lighted lamp it went up
Against our garden fence

To us it was aMAZING
At least it was skybound
But then a trick of fate took hand
And it came back to the ground

We both were so disappointed
The thing that we then saw
The wind had blown our blazing lamp
To the the house next door

They did have a lovely parasol
With table and a chair
We hoped it wouldn't ALL burn down
With our flying flare

So, Debbie sent me packing
And charged me to the house
To get the pale and water
For the fire to douse

So rushing through the patio
For brownie points to score
I crashed into the window
That's in the sliding door

Then the next door lady came outside
To see what had been done
"Oh yes it's Halloween,"she said
"And I've missed all the FUN !"

E.W Burford

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