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As a special birthday - age not included - surprise to me fair lady, I whisked her away for a weekend in the country. I chose the village o...

Thursday, 14 March 2019

The Prime Minister, The Eu and the Brexiteers - A funny thing happened on our their way to vote

Breaking News: Yet another knife crime was reported yesterday as a 62 year old professional woman was callously set upon and stabbed in the back an incredible 391 times, by an unruly mob – or so-called Brexiteers. The woman, one Mrs.T.May, is said to be resting in an unstable condition, but is exploring a number of options to put this incident behind her. And they are:

1. Sink the whole country on the stock market and sell any remaining assets to America.

2. Overthrow the whole damn government...and start again !.

3. Go back to the House, and get the ministers to vote on their pay rises – the only time they can come together about the only thing they care about – and secretly slip in an amendment about accepting a ' No Deal' offer.

It seems to me that the fault doesn't lie so much with Brussels but in ourselves.... well the bunch of self serving, spineless, politically incorrect, elected losers !

One might get the impression that they - MP''s - don't actually want to leave Europe at all, and are doing their best to ensure it doesn't happen - but that would be ridiculous...wouldn't it ?.

@brexit @teresamay #Houseofcommons @HouseofCommons #teresamay #brexit #democracy