2014: A New Old Start ?
Well, Christmas is over for another year, it's been safely wrapped and boxed up once more, and along with the old faithful, family Christmas tree -100% recycled, semi-realistic-semi-Nordic looking, fully drooping, specimen - has been successfully replanted in the loft, for the next twelve months. Which of course, means it's time to participate in another, equally age old seasonal custom/hangover...the New Year resolution !
Those lofty declarations of updating your social life-style, deleting personal habits or downloading the latest media hyped health regime. All of which, have about as much life expectancy as your average New Year Gym Membership !
As the poet, Robbie Burns, may have said:
" With the last chimes of Auld Lang Syne, goodly intentions are sworn,
But they soon come ta nought, come first light of New Year morn !"
Perhaps, we should just be more honest, or set ourselves more manageable/attainable goals...a sort of resolution~revolution, if you like. So here are just a few possible alternatives:
1): If you're single and looking for love, instead of trawling through all those endless, loveless dating sites or exposing your self to the pressures of "speed dating" -whatever next, micro-romance, love in under five minutes - why not...just change your your Facebook status to " in a relationship." No waiting, no messing, job done.
2) Wanting to stop an impossibly addictive, long term personal habit. Then just create a newer, less irritating
one towards the end of December and choose this particular anti-social trait to be the one that you cease- rather like the shops do in their January "sales."
3) Thinking of changing your job...try just socializing with different work colleagues and sitting somewhere
else for lunch...work will be the same, but it might make it feel like your in a different company.
4) Wanting to improve your mind...for a start don't buy anymore of those darned "Fifty shades of Grey" novels - or anything else by the same "author", for that matter.
5) Finally, that most popular, relentless, mother of all New Year desires and all encompassing life changing
expectation...LOSING WEIGHT ! I simply advise, "Go forth to yonder wardrobe, seeketh out any such articles of colour, shape, design or length, that makes you look fatter..and discard these items instead." After all this, kick your shoes off, sit back with the largest glass of wine- or any other alcoholic relaxant - you can find...and enjoy yourself. After all, you have a whole year before you have to put yourself through this again !